
“I had the great opportunity to experience a number of sound baths using  gong and crystal bowls with conscious sound healing academy. Being aligned with the healing frequency made my body literally vibrate, experienced bliss and a huge healing. These are amazing healing tools that are mastered by the teachers of conscious sound healing that I highly recommend”


“Sound healing with Conscious Sound Healing Academy was an amazing unique experience for me and literally healing. I could reach deeper levels of consciousness and release energy and emotional blockages. My level of energy would increase and I would feel more in flow. Thank you again for the wonderful experiences 🙂 ”


“I didn’t know what to expect from sound healing with Conscious Sound Healing Academy. It was honestly like nothing I had experienced before. Initially it was a bit strange, even slightly uncomfortable but this feeling quickly subsided and a deep sense of calm engulfed me; all thought vanished. I lost all sense of time and as the session closed I wished for just a little bit longer! It’s a truly magic experience, you awake feeling refreshed and much lighter.”


“Sound healing with Conscious Sound Healing Academy was a wonderful experience for me. I was able to go deep into my body and consciousness. I was able to detach myself from the material existence and perceive myself as an essence. I could learn to distinguish between ego pain and soul pain and experience healing. Among other things, it became very clear to me that I am an energetic being, a soul that has found a home in my body. To perceive the planet earth in all its beauty like plants, animals, scents, music, interpersonal relationships, sadness, joy and love. This life is a journey for our soul. That became clear to me.  Since then I appreciate my body much more and see life itself from a different, more empowering  perspective.”

Anna Julie

“My session with Conscious Sound Healing Academy, was the first time that I was participating in a sound healing session, so wasn’t sure what to expect. My experience with them was amazing! Sounds are a beautiful way for your soul to get touched beyond the human level and beyond any words. I could feel by the tingling in my body, that it was releasing energy. Emotions were coming up and I let them go. All of this happening to my body with me just observing it. Afterwards I was felt very peaceful and full of love and gratitude. I can highly recommend doing a sound healing to everybody who wants to take a new step on their healing path!”


“I experienced the sound healing with Conscious Sound Healing Academy as a beautiful way of stilling the mind. It felt like just letting myself be carried by the embracing sounds of the gong or the singing bowls. It was like surrendering to these waves of healing frequencies clearing my whole body and mind.”


“My experience with sound healing on Karpathos island was beyond real. I could get a deeper connection to my body, feel how the sound and vibration of the instruments were travelling from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. The environment gave the great feeling of safety and a mystic power. One hour of sound healing session was more relaxing than a week on a paradise beach I loved the meditations they offered and the emphasis on consciousness. The food was delicious as well. Clean, beautiful rooms overlooking the sea. Dreamy location for a training, quiet and peaceful.”


“Hi! I loved the sound healing instruments provided by conscious sound healing academy especially the singing crystal bowls. What makes them special is that they are related to a particular chakra for an even more personalized healing experience. I believe playing with those instruments really expanded my consciousness and took my personal growth to the next level. Namaste”


“Beautiful sound healing experience at Kathy’s Island Retreat. This was something new to me and I found it extremely helpful. Difficult to put into words as it is best experienced. “


“The sound healing at Conscious Sound Healing Academy was a beautiful experience. I felt like the vibration of the sound took me to a place where I could fully surrender to the present moment. My body could let go of tensions and my mind of worries. I could’ve stayed there forever and I’m deeply grateful for being part of it.”


“The frequencies emitted form sound healing at Conscious Sound Healing Academy opened my energetic body and sang to my soul. Each session ended with a blissful feeling throughout my whole body. Sound healing with the gong allowed me to have the most relaxed and trance-like experience and I left feeling a lovely vibration all over. I’m looking forward to this experience again “


“I wholeheartedly recommend Conscious Sound Healing Academy for its sound-healing sessions and its trainings. During our gong meditation I have had and experience of dissolution from my body and I was able to experience overwhelming bliss and connect with the Universe. The surrounding of the sea and mountains add up to this experience even more – combination of the sound of sea waves and singing bowls rejuvenates the body and touches the soul. For everyone who seeks reconnection with the higher self – highly recommended experience”
